Vladimir Kuparinen
11 min readJul 30, 2020
Benefits of oeWrap (OpenEurope Book envelope / jacket) include protecting book dust jacket from tear & wear

We, SmartPaper.fi/oe designed PERSONAL Treatment BUTTON for public library websites. When clicked by Visually Impaired Person (VIP), it delivers to home the needed book in Accessible Format, for FREE.

PROBLEM. 20% of people have issues by reading books, they can’t equitably access education due to Visual Impairments/Print Disability like dyslexia.
But they can be helped by Learning books in Accessible Formats, like audio, e-Books, or books with Big Letters (Large Print).

SOLUTION. We, SmartPaper.fi/oe designed PERSONAL Treatment (PT) BUTTON for public library website, and PT Label in TOpRIght¹¹ (TORI) corner of SecureOpenEurope books (ŒBœks/SœQR/Œ-) & for IoT¹⁸.

IndiviDUAL books save from Epistemic Inequality, via public library massive accessibility

VIP¹¹ know²º that for IndiviDUAL access they need to click this button in TORI. Then the needed book is produced in Accessible, IndiviDUAL Format, and home delivered directly from a local book printer, saving 10–15% costs vs. legacy book retail business models.
It eliminates librarians manual jobs & costly book inventory inside library walls; revolutionizing inter-library loans & Copyright²¹.

Nassim Taleb, who coined the expression “Black Swan”for economy, explained why 100% of lemonade¹² is Kosher in Middle East. Because it suits also non-kosher customers: “The most intolerant minority wins”, paradox¹³.
Same way our Preferred Treatment Button at books suits all — VIP & non-VIP, by enabling Personalized adjustment of a book to IndiviDUAL need of unique user. Helping to solve ThePrivacyParadox Problem²¹. SEAMLESSLY.

Optical/tactile/sensor label signals OWN Accessibility path to the labeled Thing for minorities

It increases life quality by 20%, by engaging VIP to be educated for equitable participation in values production and consumption.


We designed #IndiviDUALbook with #MyData logo-button-ISBN’s PERSONAL QR-code, for secure access to digital services, via public library resources.
When a needed book isn’t available from a library, you can click its ISBN-button
- the book will be on-demand printed and home delivered FOR FREE.
We sell to publishers & libraries the security printed SmartPaper.fi (Œ-) book cover/envelope sheets³, enabling phygitality / DUALity of a-Book-as-a-Service with a-Book-as-a-Product, to help solve the next problems.

1. Currently 20+% of population (Visually Impaired People / VIP, and other under-served minorities) are excluded from education, can’t receive the needed Learning books in Accessible Formats (AF), or when books are out-of-print, or due to paywalls & e-books digital gap¹⁴.
Impact of disability issues world wide: 1,2 Trillion $¹⁵ (VIP inequality: 42 Bn $¹⁶).

Disability figures worldwide: 1,3 billion people, 20% of working adults, 80% hide it, 75% walk away from nonAccessibleService

2. Average waiting time for a library book loan in the USA is 2 months, its losses = 12$ per taxpayer annually in Finland; and 8$ per taxpayer in the USA.
It’s 2,6 Billion $ US problem: Americans⁵ read 1,5 times less books then Finns⁶.

Our technology SECURES royalties for copyright holders, and in larger amounts, than by legacy business models of books circulation.

3. ‘Orange peel’ problem / Privacy Paradox.
“Epistemic Inequality” (Shoshana Zuboff², 2020): publishers charge separately for every product, derived from an author work, a book: for a paper book, audio book, eBook; then multiply costs to library patrons/taxpayer, via (ILLEGAL, imho) leveraging patrons PERSONAL reading data, obtained by publisher for FREE.
Like an orange retailer, who bought 100 oranges from a farmer, and sold 200 products: an orange juice/flesh separately from orange peel/skin. Sounds legal?

The ‘data ownership control’ LEGAL issue arises when books become a commodity, like a ‘public good’, e.g. the obligation of society to provide (FREE) books for Visually Impaired People (per Marrakesh Treaty for VIP³)
- if publishers limit Access to e-files for libraries, who need to provide IndiviDUAL books, adjusted to unique impaired person’s issue.
Monopolization by publishers of controls of access to PUBLICLY imminent e-files breaches anti-trust law, similar to GAFA controlling our personal data¹⁷.
Hence the public good is limited by non-public actors (commercial publishers), though the source of publishers income is the publicly — via the PUBLIC libraries — acquired (PERSONAL) data, that is not OPENED to the data subjects, library patrons, but derived/SEAMLESSLY confiscated, same way like GAFAM confiscates² personal data of their users.

Benefits for users of IndiviDUALbœks

Publishers receive (e.g. Finland; ca. 3,5 €) TWO types of royalty: (1) from book sale via a book shop, and (2) from book sale to a library, and no royalties from library loans.
Authors receive THREE ‘types’ of royalties: from book sale via shop (ca. 3,5 €), from book sale to library (ca. 3,5 €), from PHYSICAL book loan (0,26 €/loan by library in Finland); US royalty system differs from Finland’s.

No royalties are paid from e-book library loan (yet).

Hence from e.g. 3 mln. books sales via book shops / to libraries, annually
- via book shop/library, author & publisher royalty = 3 mln. x 3,5 € = 10,5 mln. €
- to library (70M loans/3M books sale/30M books inventory) =70 x 0,26 €=18,2M €
(for authors only, not for publishers); x 11 years average book life cycle= 200 M €.

Here loans royalty from 3 mln. books sold to library (of 15K book titles sold p.A.) = 10,5 mln. € for each copyright holder category: for authors & for publishers,
causing taxpayer to pay library costs 4,5€/loan (-300M € p.A.) x 11 years=3300M €

TOTAL, royalties
- from 3 mln. book sale via shop (authors/publishers): 10,5 M € / 10,5 M €
- from 3 mln. book recurring sale to library(authors/publishers): 28,7 M € / 10,5M€ i.e. 200M € more are paid to authors during 11 years, the average book life cycle.

This scheme shows why (greedy) publishers feel sales to libraries ‘less profitable’⁴ than via shops. It shows publishers greediness, not ‘less profitability’, though.
Hence publishers limit sales to libraries, e-books and paper books as well,
that harms ‘public good EDUCATION’ in general,
and especially cruelly — for VIP and other under-served minorities,
falling in the growing digital gap of Epistemic Inequality, that (greedy) publishers are digging, thanks to OWNING the (personal) data of PUBLIC book reading.

SOLUTION (Trinity Input Button for Triple-A books access).
We provide B2B Service of Open Europe books (ŒBœks, SœQR),
based at the new business model (retail-free) & cost-saving technology for production, distribution & circular usage of Triple-A books-for-Learning: Accessible, Available, Affordable.

It is similar to Internet Archive’s Controlled Digital Lending (CDL), but our book usage model* enables DUAL-values-in-one-product: a UNIQUE paper book is merged with its digital twins, co-created & co-owned by members of MyData Global Library, the data cooperative, in PPPP (People-Private-Public Partnership).

Our product, ŒBœk, in compliance with the Accessibility law
- “every book must be available in AF for a VIP”** -

Equality & Disability Legislation, titles in the biggest countries & EU

(1) is digitized from a paper book (scanned for AF, e.g. HTML5/EPUB3 e-format) by volunteers, MyData Coop members in the National Archive / National Library,

- if a book, or its digital contents — in the AF, needed for the unique user,
- is not available via a public library website,
- like a Large Print book for a VIP, audio book for a Print Disabled Person, or a braille book for a blind user.

Volunteers use Europeana.eu #ScanTent tool, for obtaining the personal benefit: to own a book, via #Scan3books4PlanS model (see Twitter #), for a VIP & for self.

(2) The digital source, book data (incl. meta-data) belong to VIP / MyData Coop, i.e. ‘confiscated’ BY LAW³, contrary to ILLEGAL² confiscating data by publishers.

(3)It’s printed on-demand, with AF, at ‘the-last-mile’, for a VIP member of MyData Coop, via a distributed network of (RISO, Japan) book printers, cost-effectively
- near the library patron’s registered home address, or near to the public library patron’s actual location — in minutes after the moment of click at the book ISBN
- by the latest digital printing technology, and in my SAFE SmartPaper.fi design,
- in 1 unique copy, in AF, adjusted to the concrete unique user’s needs & issues.

Thus inter-library physical book loan costs, as well as inventory costs, are saved.

(4) Home delivered & P2P shared in1click, via post, if pandemic closed libraries,
from a virtual possession of a VIP MyData Coop member, P2P to Coop member.


By this business model VIP leverage ‘Copyright exhaustion / First Sale Doctrine’, the Fair Use exemption, for non-commercial P2P sharing ŒBœk by VIP (to / by non-VIP as well, in conformity with EU Copyright law ‘right2copy for private use’);
- with secure, in-real-time provision of royalties, via MyData Global, non-profit’s blockchain solution ‘Creative Passport’.

Thanks to (our partner’s UpCode / UPC Oy, Finland) open source Disposable ID system (DispID, in beta);
we leverage the Marrakesh Treaty for VIP (the right to copy a book without asking Copyright holder permission);
by adding DispID’s code into the optical marker / API of the right-to-service,
- printed at a ŒBœk cover, with SmartPaper.fi security printing design,
- provided for personal data cooperative members, public library patrons.

The PERSONALIZED benefits from the best practices of MyData Global Operators, accessible via the library books ubiquity, from PDS (Personal Data Storages) at ŒBœk’s phygital Edge (own data clouds access in1click at ŒBœk’s ISBN),
- are protected from surveillance, from publisher abuse: ŒBœks can’t be hacked
- thanks to SmartPaper.fi design: ŒBœk cover is always-offline= can’t be hacked.

We provide secure & robust royalties flow, also in the Fair Use exemption cases, in accordance to the local Copyright law.

This solves the biggest issue of e-books to-date, when misinformed legacy publishers prevent e-books Accessibility, because of their bias: the imagined risks (see the calculation above) of loosing royalties, when public (and University) libraries lend books for free.

Hyper-connected world’s technologies, that we utilize, enable MORE royalties (evaluation: double royalties, by adding access to the Long Tail model for out-of-print books), than via the legacy book business models (via retail),
- thanks to library-as-royalty-access-dissemination: e.g. the Finnish law provides 0,26 € to authors from each physical book loan (ca. 70 mln. loans in 2019 by 2 mln. public library patrons).
Thus we incentivize our prospective customers, publishers & libraries, to perform in conformity with the Accessibility laws, benefiting library patrons** & taxpayers.

Our solution (via the MyData cooperative) adds the royalty flows to ALL Copyright holders, INCLUDING e-book copyright holders:

while e-book’s e-files (digitized from the paper source, creating content’s digital twins, for AF, i.e. in a non-rival, TRANSFORMATIVE*, HUMAN-CENTRIC personal data processing approach / MyData IHAN, EU FAIR data standards conform) are made equitably Accessible INSIDE the DUAL object, a phygital ŒBœk.

VoicEye code at TOpRIght corner of a book enables full page audio via smartphone

¹see slide 13 https://bit.ly/oeBookSlides4Aalto
https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/09/25/one-in-five-americans-now-listen-to-audiobooks/ https://www.imls.gov/sites/default/files/fy2017_pls_tables.pdf
⁷ It is the round #MyData logo for Triple-A⁸ books / ŒBœks, SECURE OpenEurope access, SœQR = Optical+Voice+Tactile: QR-code; Voice Control/ Alexa/ OK Google; Tactile Input
⁸Accessible + Affordable + Available ŒBœks, with FAIR⁹ data, IHAN¹º standard
⁹Fundable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable
¹¹Prescribed by law, e.g. in S. Korea:
“The Korean government has adopted VOICEYE code for those who have low vision, so they have the same access as people without disabilities.
There’s a standardized location of VOICEYE code at the RIGHT TOP corner of a paper, making it easy for those who have low vision to know where to find it.
In Korea, most customers print VOICEYE code into this standardized location; we encourage overseas customers to do that as well, so that there’s a global standard.” https://abilitymagazine.com/voiceye-accessible-code/
¹²Click at (MyData-added) Simply Lemonade label here: http://smartpaper.fi/oe
¹⁴slide 15 https://bit.ly/oeBookSlides4Aalto
¹⁵slide 6 https://bit.ly/oeAccessibilityPpt
¹⁶slide 4 https://bit.ly/oeBookSlides4Aalto

¹⁸IoT / Internet of Things. Vulnerability of IoT to internet attacks may be diminished by Luxury2BeOffline¹⁹ solutions, e.g. by #ŒBœks




*The second (in addition to paper+digital) type of duality matters at Knowledge transfer via Learning books: ‘fact & process’** MUST BE equally important.
Whereas at ‘signal & data’ approach to e-book, by legacy publishers, e-ONLY transfer (utilized by the legacy e-book PUBLISHER CONTROLLED lending, e.g. by The Internet Archive) the ‘fact’ of transfer is (illegally, imho***) made more important than the ‘process’**.

I.e. our model for library (Œbook) usage is the TRANSFORMATIVE/ Fair Use case
- in conformity to Copyright law
- for exemption of library patrons, members of data cooperative,

from the abusive (financially & vs. GDPR-prescribed human-centricity of personal data processing) CONTROLLED lending by legacy publishers.

**for creative apprehension of book contents & book reader self-development.

***Hence by e-book CONTROLLED digital lending (CDL) this duality (and thus the book author’s right to authenticity of a book, to be preserved via publisher’s actions) is destroyed.
Hence e-books legacy publishers model legally destroys the author’s non-alienable PUBLIC ENTITY OF COPYRIGHT, by abusing ‘public good’ right to PERSONAL data BENEFITS, prescribed by GDPR.
Our SmartPaper.fi business model restores author’s inalienable rights to book, in its unity of any format / data derivatives, illegally destroyed by publisher’s CONTROL of access to AUTHOR’s royalties.
Book lending BY PUBLIC libraries should not be CONTROLLED but FREE (Open Science model), i.e. both inseparable entities (e-book’s & physical book’s ‘fact’ & ‘process’ of Knowledge & data SHARING**) at book lending should be transferable TOGETHER, in DUAL way/ŒBœks, SmartPaper.fi non-profit paradigm.

For this, libraries should stop the legacy model of purchasing certain amount of book copies (in non-AF) from a publisher (with its 30% excessive quantities costs, due to the dominant offset printing technology), but should buy/enable a license to DIGITALLY print on-demand the NEEDED book copy — IN THE MOMENT of need, in MyData-initiated AF. As demanded by Accessibility Law.

Vladimir Kuparinen
Vladimir Kuparinen

Written by Vladimir Kuparinen

Founding Member of MyData Global Network, non-profit. Evangelist of SmartPaper.fi/oe, the info-logistics solution for book Accessibility. Father of 2 students

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